In a recent tweet, renowned journalist Fabrizio Romano claimed that Everton have identified Napoli winger Jesper...
In a recent report, Danny Rust and Dean Jones mentioned that Tottenham Hotspur are hoping to...
In a recent report, AS mentioned that Real Madrid are eyeing a summer move for Lazio...
If a report from Gazzetta is believed to be true, Celtic have set an asking fee...
In a recent report, Sport claimed that Real Madrid starlet Arda Guler is on the radar...
In a recent print edition, Corriere dello Sport (via Sport Witness) stated that Newcastle United are...
In a recent interview with Give Me Sport, renowned journalist Fabrizio Romano claimed that Arsenal have...
In a recent report, Corriere dello Sport stated that Aston Villa have made a move to...
In a recent print edition, La Stampa (via Tutto Cagliari) claimed that West Ham United are...
In a recent interview with Give Me Sport, journalist Ben Jacobs stated that Arsenal are leading...
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